Ready Room
The Ready Room is designed for students actively engaged in flight training, and provides an array of resource information and information links, supporting all levels of pilot training.
- Ready Room
- Pilot Checklists
- Flight Operations Information
- Navigation Forms
- Flight Test Guides and Report Forms
- Other References
- Private Pilot Reading References
- Commercial Pilot Reading References
- Multi-engine Class Rating Reading References
- IFR Rating Reading References
- Flight Instructor Rating Reading References
- International and Other Reading Sources
- General Notes for Instructor Training
- Lesson Plan Analysis (Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Preparatory Ground Instruction ((Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- General Notes for Air Instruction (Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Air Instruction (Air Cards) (Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Applied Lesson Plans: Air Cards for Lesson Plans
- Applied Lesson Plans: Air Cards for Exercises
Pilot Checklists
- Piper Cherokee (16-01)
- Cessna 172N (17-02)
- Cessna 172P (17-02)
- Cessna 152 (17-01)
- Piper Seneca (17-02)
Aircraft Equipment
Flight Operations Information
- Aeronautical Information Circulars
- Aeronautical Information Manual
- Publication Schedule
- VFR Chart Listings (Currency and Proposed Update)
- Current Airport Charts
Aviation Weather
- Nav Canada’s Main Page
- Graphic Area Forecasts
- West Coast Local Graphic Area Forecast
- Weather Cameras
- Radar
- Upper Winds
- Satellite Pictures
Public Weather
Navigation Forms
Flight Test Guides and Report Forms
Other References
Private Pilot Reading References
Getting Started on your Private Pilot Licence
- Flight Training and Safety Precautions
- Preparing for a Flight Lesson
- Etiquette for the Pilot
- Passenger Briefings
- Pilot-Controller Communication
- When Pilots and Controllers Clash
- PSTAR Examination Study Questions
- Pilot Radio License Study Questions
- Collision Avoidance
- Bird Strikes
- Aircraft Defects
- Pre-takeoff Briefing
- The Flight Test 4-point Marking Scale
- Errors and Deviaitons during Pilot Performance: Minor, Major, and Critical
- The Concept of Flight Management
- Effective Use of Flight Time
- Study Guide for Radiotelephone Operator's Restricted Certificate (Aeronautical).
- Completing the Pilot Logbook
- Landmark Identification (Langley Airport Vicinity)
- Flight Information Centre Pre-flight Briefings
- Aircraft Familiarisation and Preparation for Flight
- The Engine Compartment
Basic Procedures and Maneuvers
- Taxiing
- Takeoff Power Confirmation
- Attitudes and Movements
- Straight and Level Flight
- Climbs and Descents
- Turns, Steep Turns, and Collision Avoidance Manoeuvring
Advanced Maneuvers and Upper Air
- Slow Flight
- Stall
- Spin
- Reading References Piper Aircraft Corporation Service Bulletin No. 753
- Spiral
Circuit Training (Landings and Takeoffs)
- Slipping
- Circuit Training—Takeoffs
- Circuit Training—Circuits
- Circuit Training—Landings
- Circuit Training—Flight Safety
- Flying On your Own!
Pre-navigation Training
- Forced Landing (off airport)
- Precautionary Landings
Navigation Training
- Cross-Country Navigation—Preparation
- Cross-Country Navigation—Flight Test Requirements
- Cross-Country Navigation Requirements and Routes
- Cross-Country Navigation—Flight Plan
- Cross-Country Navigation—Course Corrections
- Cross-Country Navigation—The Flight
- Departures and Arrivals at ATF, MFA, and MF Airports
Private Pilot Instrument Flight Training and Flight Test Preparation
Commercial Pilot Reading References
/Photos/People and Places/2008/Feras' Photos/Flying (28).JPG
Introduction to Radio Navigation and Limited Panel
Night Flying
Mountain Flying
Advanced Instrument Flying (Holds and Approaches)
- Simulated Whatcom 25 and White Rock 34 Approaches
- Standard Instrument Departures
- Holds and Hold Entries
- Published Instrument Approaches
- General Procedures for Instrument Approaches
- The Vectored Approach
- Procedure Turns
VFR Over-the-top
Advanced Maneuvers Training
- Commercial Pilot Training: Rudder Kicks
- Commercial Pilot Standard Operating Procedures
- Commercial Pilot Training: Accelerating/Decelerating Turns
- Commercial Pilot Training: Clean Touch-and-Goes
- Commercial Pilot Training: 1/2 and 1/4 Steep Turns with Switch-back
- Commercial Pilot Training: Descending Steep Turns
- Commercial Pilot Training: Descending 60° Bank Turns
Multi-engine Class Rating Reading References
Getting Started on your Multi-engine Class Rating
- Introduction
- Air Training Syllabus
- Multi-engine Training Flight Cards
- Flight Training Examinations
- Langley Flying School Flight Rules and Safety Precautions
- Piper Seneca PA-34-200 Pilot Operating Handbook
- Multi-engine Advice to Bank On
- Rayjay Approved Flight Manual Supplement
- Garmin 430 WAAS Approved Flight Manual Supplement
- Garmin 400W Series Quick Reference
- Garmin 400W Series Pilot's Guide & Reference
- Garmin 400W Series Simulator (Download Portal)
- Aspen Primary Flight Display (see Aspen Study Questions)
- Langley Flying School Piper Seneca PA-34 Standard Operating Procedures
Background Knowledge
- Seneca Special Features
- Vmc
- Takeoff Briefing
- Traffic Factor
- Emergency Procedures and Phase 1 Checklist Items
- Sequences and Drills
- Aircraft Familiarization and Preparation for Flight
- Ancillary Controls
Basic Maneuvers
- Taxiing
- Engine Failure during Takeoff
- Takeoff, Circuit, and Landing
- Cruise Flight
- Engine Failure during Cruise Flight
- Manoeuvring at Reduced Airspeed (Speed Variations)
- Climbs and Descents
Advanced Manevuers
- Stalls
- Vmc Demonstration
- Steep Turn
- Engine Failure During an Overshoot
- One Engine Inoperative Circuit, Approach and Landing
- Systems Failures and Emergency Procedures
IFR Rating Reading References
Getting Started on your Instrument Rating
IFR Guidance Notes
- Being Ready for your IFR Ride
- The Vectored Approach
- The Constant Descent Angle NPA
- SNAP Checks
- Approach Plate Briefing
IFR Reading Library
- Guide to Jeppesen Approach Plates
- Canadian Instrument Procedures Manual (PDF 4MB)
- U.S. Instrument Procedures Handbook (PDF 23MB)
IFR Published Procedures Library (Study Purpose ONLY)
- Langley Airport JEP
- Abbotsford Airport JEP
- Victoria Airport JEP
- Bellingham Airport JEP
- Friday Harbour Airport JEP
IFR Chart Library (Study Purpose ONLY)
Flight Instructor Rating Reading References
International and Other Reading Sources
- Canadian Flight Instructor Guide
- New Zealand Flight Instructor Guide
- Austrailian Flight Instructor Guide
- Maximum Endurance, Maximum Range, and Optimum Cruise Speeds by Russ Erb
General Notes for Instructor Training
- Preparatory Ground Instruction Overview
- Managing Your Preparatory Groundschool Instruction Notes
- Threshold Knowledge
- Final Exam Study Review Questions
Lesson Plan Analysis (Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Why is the Lesson Plan Analysis Necessary?
- The Big Picture of Lesson Plans
- Transport Canada's Lesson Plans
- When you have to Blur your Eyes . .
- Analysis of Lesson Plan 2
- Analysis of Lesson Plan 3
- Analysis of Lesson Plan 4
- Analysis of Lesson Plan 5
- Lesson Plans Level of Instruction and Student Practice
- Lesson Plan Air Exercise Organization
- Primary Exercises for Initial Pre-circuit Training
- Straight and Level Flight as a Developmental Exercise
- Primary Exercises for Intial Circuit Training
- Takeoffs and Landings as Developmental Exercises
- Developmental Tasks for Student Practice of Takeoffs and Landings
Preparatory Ground Instruction ((Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Attitudes and Movements (Lesson Plan 2A)
- Basic Maneuvers: Level 1 (Lesson Plan 2B)
- Basic Maneuvers: Level 2 (Lesson Plan 3A and 3B)
- Basic Maneuvers: Level 3 (Lesson Plan 4A)
- Range and Endurance (Lesson Plan 4B)
- Slow Flight (Lesson Plan 5A)
- Stalls with Power-off Recovery (Lesson Plan 5B)
- Stalls with Power-on Recovery (Lesson Plan 6A)
- Spins (Lesson Plan 6B)
- Spiral Dives (Lesson Plan 7A)
- Forward and Turning Slips (Lesson Plan 7B)
- Circuit Training (Lesson Plan 8A)
- Advanced Circuit Training—Crosswinds (Lesson Plan 18)
- Steep Turns (Lesson Plan 8B)
- Full Forced Approaches (Lesson Plan 22A)
- Precautionary Landings (Lesson Plan 24)
- Advanced Stalls from Practical Causes (Lesson Plan 22B)
- Advanced Spins from Practical Causes (Lesson Plan 22C)
- Advanced Circuit Training—Short-field Transitions (Lesson Plan 16A)
- Advanced Circuit Training—Soft-field Transitions (Lesson Plan 16B)
- Navigation Diversions (Lesson Plan 26A)
- PPL Instrument Flying 1 (Basic Maneuvers)
- PPL Instrument Flying 2 (Advanced Maneuvers)
- PPL Instrument Flyiing 3 (Unusual Attitutdes Recovery)
- CPL Instrument Flying 1 (Limited Panel Basic Maneuvers)
- CPL Instrument Flying 2 (Limited Panel Timed Turns)
- CPL Instrument Flying 3 (Limited Panel Advance Maneuvers)
- CPL Instrument Flying 4 (Limited Panel Unusual Attitudes Recovery)
- CPL Instrument Flying 5 (VOR Intercepts and Tracking)
- CPL Instrument Flying 6 (ADF Intercepts and Tracking)
- Night Flying
General Notes for Air Instruction (Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Air Card Format and Organization
- Pre-flight Briefings
- Wind-up and Delivery
- The VPI Cycle
- Development Takeoff Instruction
- Developmental Landing Instruction
- Development Navigation Instruction
- Managing Student Review
Air Instruction (Air Cards) (Note: writing in progress and not all links are completed)
- Attitudes and Movements (Lesson Plan 2A)
- Basic Maneuvers: Level 1 (Lesson Plan 2B)
- Basic Maneuvers: Level 2 (Lesson Plan 3A and 3B)
- Basic Maneuvers: Level 3 (Lesson Plan 4A)
- Range and Endurance (Lesson Plan 4B)
- Slow Flight (Lesson Plan 5A)
- Stalls with Power-off Recovery (Lesson Plan 5B)
- Stalls with Power-on Recovery (Lesson Plan 6A)
- Spins (Lesson Plan 6B)
- Spiral Dives (Lesson Plan 7A)
- Forward and Turning Slips (Lesson Plan 7B)
- Circuit Training (Lesson Plan 8A)
- Advanced Circuit Training—Crosswinds (Lesson Plan 18)
- Steep Turns (Lesson Plan 8B)
- Full Forced Approaches (Lesson Plan 22A)
- Advanced Stalls from Practical Causes (Lesson Plan 22B)
- Advanced Spins from Practical Causes (Lesson Plan 22C)
- Advanced Circuit Training—Short-field Transitions (Lesson Plan 16A)
- Advanced Circuit Training—Soft-field Transitions (Lesson Plan 16B)
- Navigation Diversions (Lesson Plan 26A)
- PPL Instrument Flying 1 (Basic Maneuvers)
- PPL Instrument Flying 2 (Advanced Maneuvers)
- PPL Instrument Flyiing 3 (Unusual Attitutdes Recovery)
- CPL Instrument Flying 1 (Limited Panel Basic Maneuvers)
- CPL Instrument Flying 2 (Limited Panel Timed Turns)
- CPL Instrument Flying 3 (Limited Panel Advance Maneuvers)
- CPL Instrument Flying 4 (Limited Panel Unusual Attitudes Recovery)
- CPL Instrument Flying 5 (VOR Intercepts and Tracking)
- CPL Instrument Flying 6 (ADF Intercepts and Tracking)
- Night Flying
Applied Lesson Plans: Air Cards for Lesson Plans
- Lesson Plan 2: Primary Exercises
- Lesson Plan 2 as Two Flights
- Lesson Plan 2A—Attitudes and Movements
- Lesson Plan 2B—Basic Maneuvers
- Lesson Plan 2B: Additional Notes
- Lesson Plan 3: Primary Exercises
- Lesson Plan 3 as Two Flights
- Lesson Plan 3A
- Lesson Plan 3B
- Lesson Plan 4: Primary Exercises
- Lesson Plan 4 as Two Flights
- Lesson Plan 4A
- Lesson Plan 4B
- Lesson Plan 5
- Lesson Plan 5A
- Lesson Plan 5B
- Lesson Plan 6
- Lesson Plan 6A
- Lesson Plan 6B
- Lesson Plan 2B
- Lesson Plan 3A
- Lesson Plan 3B
- Lesson Plan 4A