Commercial Pilot Program
CPL-1-1 Limited Panel—Basic Maneuvers
Flight Crew
Time Allocation
- Preparatory Ground Instruction: 20 to 30 Minutes
- Air Instruction: .8 to 1.0 hour.
- Flight units: 1 flight.
The aim of this lesson is the student to flight control in simulated IMC conditions without the use of the vacuum-driven flight instruments—the Heading Indicator and the Attitude Indicator
Preparatory Ground Instruction
During the PGI, the student will learn:
- the operation and flgiht characteristics of the two gyro systems that feature in conventional instrument panels;
- the identification, role and management of the control and performance flight instrument groups;
- the sequence and use of specific limited-panel flight instruments during basic maneuvers, including straight-and-level flight, climbs, and descents
Flight safety:
- Simulated IMC training satety procedures for climbs, descents, and turns.
Pre-flight Briefing
As required.
Air Instruction
During air instruction, the student will be introduced to the skills:
- the proper managment of lag characteristics of the pitot-static performance instruments;
- selective use of pitot-static performance instruments for promary indication of aircraft pitch during climbs and descents;
- the conduct of basic flgiht maneuvers in response to simulated ATC vectoring procedures.
During air instruction, the student will also review:
- Execution of a Standard Instrument Departure (simulating the VU One Departure)
- Management of an engine fire emergency;
- Management of cockpit electrical failure in flight;
- Execution of stabilized descending steep turn using a 45º bank turn and speed target of 1.3 VSO.
Post-flight Brief Debriefing
Review preformance: sucsessful performances, areas for improvement and how to improve those areas.
Assign readings in preparation for next flight if appropriate:
- Limited panel applied to ATC-vectored approaches in simulated IMC conditions, including the transition from final approach to overshoot configurations.
Completion Standards
Prior to advancing to the next lesson, the student must demonstrate the independent ability to effectively control the aircraft during basic maneuvers with the following flight performance standards:
- Controlled rate-of-turn indications within 1/2 value of the SRT markings;
- ±150 feet of assigned altitude;
- ±10 knots of assigned airspeed.
Revision #17-1
CPL-1-1 Limited Panel—Advanced Maneuvers
Flight Crew
Time Allocation
- Preparatory Ground Instruction: 20 to 30 Minutes
- Air Instruction: .8 to 1.0 hour.
- Flight units: 1 flight.
In this lesson the student will learn to apply the Limited Panel pilot skills acquired in the previous lesson to simulated ATC-vectored approach in simulated IMC condition, requiring the systematic and effective transition through the aircraft's downwind, base, final approach, and overshoot flight configurations.
Preparatory Ground Instruction
Not Required.
Pre-flight Briefing
In the PFB the crew will review the manner in which the simulted ATC vectors will be executed, as will as the target flight configurations for the downwind, base, and final approach configurations; specific attention will be given to reviewing the flight-performance targets required for the transition from final approach to overshoot and climb-away configurations.
Flight safety:
- Simulated IFR training satety procedures for climbs, descents, and turns.
Air Instruction
During the flight lesson, the student will also be introduced to applying limited-panel flight operations to simulated ATC-vectored approach in simulated IMC conditions.
During air instruction, the student will also review:
- Execution of a Standard Instrument Departure (simulating the Craig Two Departure)
- Management of an anamlous engine oil instrument indications (oil pressure and temperature) determined by the Instructor;
- Management of engine fire in flight;
- Execution of stabilized descending steep turn using a 45º bank turn and speed target of 1.3 VSO.
Post-flight Brief Debriefing
Review preformance: sucsessful performances, areas for improvement and how to improve those areas.
Assign readings in preparation for next flight if appropriate:
- Limited panel operations using the compass (Timed turns).
Completion Standards
Prior to advancing to the next lesson, the student must demonstrate the independent ability to effectively control the aircraft during basic maneuvers with the following flight performance standards:
- Controlled rate-of-turn indications within 1/2 value of the SRT markings;
- ±150 feet of assigned altitude;
- ±10 knots of assigned airspeed.
Revision #17-1